DRM-X 4.0 HTML Encryption can be used to protect entire static website includes: HTML page, Javascript, CSS, Images, Audio/Video and PDF. All of protected files are under DRM-X 4.0 digital rights management (DRM) control. You can check and change the rights permission in your DRM-X 4.0 account, and view users and license reports there.


HTML is open standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. HTML files are basically plain text files, this means software applications and human users can easily create, read, and update web pages. The open nature of HTML not only allows users to edit websites with nothing more than a simple text editor, and anyone can view source and copy the HTML source code, and apply to their own usage.

However, as a website owner or a company website you may encounter situations in which you feel a need for protecting your HTML, Images, CSS, JavaScript code from being viewed and reused. For example, you may want to:

  1. Stop competitors from studying and copying your JavaScript code.
  2. Keep automated downloaders like WebZip from copying your entire website.
  3. Protect website member area paid content cannot be copied.
  4. Keep spam robots from getting email addresses and copy text from your pages.
  5. Protect your company web page such as financial report, technical document can only be viewed under your control.

Usually HTML encryption/decryption techniques are based on JavaScript, but it's not secure. Because the encrypt code Javascript can be debugged and viewed as well.

Haihaisoft encrypt the HTML with its own Xvast Packager in DRM-X 4.0 platform. It protects HTML with C++ private strong encryption methods and protect with DRM-X 4.0 technology with License, and the protected HTML, Javascript, Images and CSS can only be opened with Xvast browser.

DRM-X 4.0 HTML Encryption can be used to protect entire static website includes: HTML page, Javascript, CSS, Images, Audio/Video and PDF. All of protected files are under DRM-X 4.0 digital rights management (DRM) control. You can check and change the rights permission in your DRM-X 4.0 account, and view users and license reports there.


Sign up and Try DRM-X 4.0 (In Xvast Packager, it includes HTML, javascript, images, audio/video and PDF encryption software) that encrypts both the underlying code and the page content that is displayed, does not deliver the decryption key with the web pages and uses digital rights management (DRM) controls to prevent unauthorized use and misuse of your HTML content.

By encrypting HTML pages and code using DRM-X 4.0 Xvast Packager, you can control who can view your web pages, what they can do with them (copy, print, etc.) and when they can no longer be viewed (expires).


To learn more about encryption and digital rights management (DRM), please take a look at the following white papers.

DRM-X 4.0 Introduction and Document: https://www.drm-x.com/download/haihaisoft_document/DRM-X_4.0_Introduction_en.pdf

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