PracticalCME selects Haihaisoft DRM-X platform, the most powerful On-Demand DRM system in the world, for protecting its online training courses.
PracticalCME is an online training center which is committed to providing only the finest, CME-accredited, medical aesthetic and wellness training courses for doctors, PA’s, nurse practitioners, and nurses.
About Haihaisoft DRM-X
Haihaisoft DRM-X provides the unique, cost-effective and highly secure on-demand DRM service that content owners can easily protect, publish, and sell Audio/Video and documents. It gives content owners total control over who accesses content owners' digital content and under what terms, enabling content owners to increase revenue, bring products to market faster, and attract new customers.
With Haihaisoft DRM-X revolutionary technology, it supports the most popular media formats, such as, Windows Media (WMA, WMV, and ASF), Real Media (RM, RMVB), Flash Video (FLV), AVI media, and PDF document. It is the first DRM platform which can support the world's 3 software giant's format: Microsoft Windows Media, RealNetworks Real Media, and Adobe Flash Video and PDF file format.
With DRM-X unique Dynamic Watermark Showing Username, content owners never worry about screen capture. With DRM-X Hardware Authentication, content owners never need to worry about password sharing between users.
Haihaisoft secure DRM-X help more and more content owners worldwide solved their piracy's problem, and help them increase sales with DRM-X platform.
About PracticalCME
All PracticalCME courses are taught ONLY by Board Certified Physicians who actively practice the material and procedures they teach.
It will provide you with the “Gold Standard” in continuing medical education in Health, Wellness and Cosmetic Services.
It is the only CME provider to specialize in training only the procedures that are easy to learn in a day, AND can be profitable in a matter of DAYS! These are the procedures that have the highest return on investment. They can do this because they are one of the few programs that is not owned nor heavily sponsored by an equipment manufacturer.
Each course includes a comprehensive, spiral-bound course syllabus. The syllabus is rich in information and requires little annotation by the participant.
Course Lecturers are accessible by email for questions/clarifications after the course.
All A-V (presentations, live video demonstrations, recorded videos) are presented in HIGH DEFINITION.
Every course includes practical information on marketing your new service.
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