For provide better and
more stable DRM License service globally, Haihaisoft recently established new
servers in Amsterdam, Holland.
Why we choose Holland in Europe?
First of all the Dutch GigaPort project provides the fastest R&D network in the world and introduced the Internet version 6 protocol (Ipv6) in Europe. GigaPort also implemented the first transatlantic lambda connection and set up NetherLight (optical internet exchange) as the start of the international lambda network. The Dutch government facilitated the creation of GigaPort with the aim of stimulating innovation by connecting knowledge and business. Meanwhile GigaPort has created a worldleading network for public and private research and development and is positioning the Netherlands in the forefront of advanced application development. GigaPort is the gateway to Europe’s knowledge infrastructure.
Now Haihaisoft have license servers in Shanghai China, Los Angeles United States, and Amsterdam Holland.
Haihaisoft enhanced the license delivery capability dramatically, and all data backup simultaneously. All of these important works made Haihaisoft become one of the most important License Delivery Centers in the world.
Why we choose Holland in Europe?
First of all the Dutch GigaPort project provides the fastest R&D network in the world and introduced the Internet version 6 protocol (Ipv6) in Europe. GigaPort also implemented the first transatlantic lambda connection and set up NetherLight (optical internet exchange) as the start of the international lambda network. The Dutch government facilitated the creation of GigaPort with the aim of stimulating innovation by connecting knowledge and business. Meanwhile GigaPort has created a worldleading network for public and private research and development and is positioning the Netherlands in the forefront of advanced application development. GigaPort is the gateway to Europe’s knowledge infrastructure.
Now Haihaisoft have license servers in Shanghai China, Los Angeles United States, and Amsterdam Holland.
Haihaisoft enhanced the license delivery capability dramatically, and all data backup simultaneously. All of these important works made Haihaisoft become one of the most important License Delivery Centers in the world.
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