Haihaisoft announces Media DRM added support license delivery directly to Windows Mobile Cell Phone
Haihaisoft DRM License Server has been updated. Now it supports for portable device to acquire license directly. Haihaisoft Media DRM License Server was updated on May 29, 2006. Now it support mobile and portable device (Pocket PC 2003 and Windows Mobile OS) to get license from internet, so now Haihaisoft DRM supports all rights settings. Before people could only get license from PC and then synchronize license and contents to Cell Phone or Pocket PC. Now it's become easier for end user to acquire license.
Haihaisoft believe with the release of 3G of Mobile, it will be very convenient for people to order video/audio content and get license for that content from their mobile or portable device. May 29, 2006
Haihaisoft believe with the release of 3G of Mobile, it will be very convenient for people to order video/audio content and get license for that content from their mobile or portable device. May 29, 2006
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