2016-1-19, Haihaisoft DRM-X 3.0 platform release new update. Added revoke end user's license feature. It makes content providers in DRM-X 3.0 platform can revoke end user’s license. It enables content providers fully manage the rights of end user’s license. Thus it resolved the problem when the end user purchase protected content needs refund. It effectively revoke licenses of the refund user, so that the end-user cannot open protected content any more. It ensures fair trade, also to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the content providers.
DRM-X 3.0 revoke end user’s license feature support all client platforms; Windows, Mac, Android and iOS systems. With DRM-X 3.0 Enhanced Security mode combination, it ensures that users view protected files must have internet connection, so when user open the protected file, license can be revoked immediately.
Similarly DRM-X 3.0 also support the entire license revoke for License Profiles. For example, when a serious crack problem happened, you can revoke all licenses under this License Profile, and re-issue new license to the user. It ensures end users use the latest client, and enables content providers under sustained in DRM-X 3.0’s latest, the most stable and secure protection.
Requirements: DRM-X 3.0 revoke end user’s license function requires content providers use DRM-X 3.0 Enterprise account.
Haihaisoft DRM-X 3.0 continuous updating and maintenance. It provides content providers the most secure and reliable security protection platform, truly effective in protecting the legitimate interests of the copyright of content providers.
Learn more about Haihaisoft: www.haihaisoft.com | cn.haihaisoft.com
Learn more about DRM-X 3.0: www.drm-x.com