Tennis Guru selects Haihaisoft Media-DRM to protect their online training courses. Tennis Guru could set their content usage rights in the Media-DRM account. It enables Tennis Guru easily manage the encrypted files, users, and the send licenses reports. Media-DRM makes it easy to protect and securely deliver courses by subscription or individual request for customers. Tennis Guru content protection has never been so easy and reliable.
AboutTennis Guru
Tennis Guru, is a company specializing in developing Tennis sport courses using the latest available technology. Their online training courses including cutting-edge book and DVD series. The foundation member is very famous tennis player -- Clint Stephenson. Stephenson is bridging the gap between the recreational player and the game the pros play today. USPTA certified at the age of 19, Stephenson has been teaching players of all ages and levels for over a decade.
Haihaisoft Media-DRM Benefits
It enables Tennis Guru set rights in Haihaisoft Media-DRM account:
Rights for PC
1. Allow Play Count.
2. Allow Burn To CD.
3. Burn to CD Count.
4. Play Count.
5. Rights Price.
6. Begin Date and Expiration Date.
7. Expiration after First Use.
8. Delete or Disable License On Clock Roll Back.
Rights for Portable Device
1. Allow Transfer To Non-SDMI Device.
2. Allow Transfer To SDMI Device.
3. Allow To Transfer Count.
4. PM(Portable Media) Rights.
5. PM(Portable Media) Expiration Date.
Tennis Guru can change it at any moment and doesn't need to encrypt the files again.
License Profile
Media-DRM can implement two business models: One file with one license and multiple files shares one license.
1. One file with one license: one license corresponds to one document, open every encrypted file needs to obtain a license. A video file encrypted with a license profile.
2. Multiple files share one license: you can encrypt multiple files with one license profile, so the user just needs to obtain a license to access multiple files without having to obtain multiple licenses. Multiple video files encrypted with a license profile.
In this way, it helps Tennis Guru increase the business models and enables sell a single files or a series of video files.
User Groups
Tennis Guru can control which products can be bought by user groups.
About Haihaisoft
Haihaisoft, founded in 2004, is the leader in digital rights management industry. Haihaisoft offers content protection and related solutions that enable businesses to maximize the value of their digital content products. Haihaisoft's services and solutions are deployed by companies in entertainment, consumer electronics, gaming, software, information publishing and corporate IT markets to solve industry-specific challenges.
Haihaisoft's mission is: Powering Digital Content Trade, and makes content securely accessible and valuable.
For more DRM-X information: www.drm-x.com
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