Oct 10th, 2016, Haihaisoft releases new Xvast browser for Windows, and customize Xvast browser service.
Xvast is a fast and secure browser based-on Chrome. It also supports protected premium content by DRM-X 4.0 platform. Now it supports Windows, and in the near future it will support Mac and Android platform. More information and Download Xvast for Free.
Haihaisoft also launches new Xvast browser’s website: Xvast.com (English) and Xvast.cn (Chinese). It will provides Xvast browser Download, Demo and Help information for customers.
Haihaisoft started provide customize Xvast browser service.
What can we customized for you?
1. Put your company logo and rename browser name.
2. Change default Skin. You can fully customize Xvast’s Skin.
3. Customize browser installer with your own agreements, logo and images.
4. Change default home page to yours.
5. Add page URLs to favorites (You can put advertisements URL here).
6. Customize browser to support specific Extensions.
7. Customize browser menu. (For example, you may want to add new menu link to your Products page or Help page.)
8. Change default Search Engine with your own search engine parameters. (You may put Search Engine advertisements parameters here).
9. Customize DRM-X 4.0 security features. your company needs to customize browser to support encrypt images, and html data. It can meet your specific business requirements.
10. Customize browser support more platforms. Currently Xvast supports Windows. If you wish customize Xvast support Android, Mac and iOS platform, please feel free to contact us.
11. Other Functions
Learn more about customize Xvast browser service.