The world leader in on-demand DRM, Haihaisoft DRM-X updated recently support encrypting the MP3 format, which allows content providers to easily encrypt MP3 without convert to other formats.
As the majority of customers have requirements for MP3 copy protection, Haihaisoft DRM-X Online Packager and Haihaisoft Universal Player updated. Now it supports the most popular audio format - MP3. It does not change MP3 files’ size and tonal quality. This benefits everyone who wants to create, deliver or publish music content. DRM-X offers the powerful content protection that ensures content owners make high-quality content and distribute it anywhere.
DRM-X platform is based-on Haihaisoft’s own DRM engine. It supports almost all of the most popular digital media formats, such as Windows Media (WMA, WMV, and ASF), Real Media (RM, RMVB), Flash Video (FLV), AVI, MP4, MP3, media and PDF document.
Content providers can easily manage the encrypted files’ rights in the DRM-X account and securely deliver protected content. They can easily manage all business models, license rights, permissions, users and customized configuration in DRM-X account. They can set Rights Price, Play Count, Begin Date, Expiration Date, Expiration After First Use, and special features -- Program in Blacklist, Dynamic Watermark function and authentication combined with hardware.
Moreover, Haihaisoft Universal Player has updated to version, Haihaisoft provides a series of DRM related services to add additional value for customers, including add customers' logo and customize Haihaisoft Universal Player.
Learn more about Haihaisoft: International | Spanish | Chinese
Learn more about Haihaisoft DRM-X: International | Spanish | Chinese
As the majority of customers have requirements for MP3 copy protection, Haihaisoft DRM-X Online Packager and Haihaisoft Universal Player updated. Now it supports the most popular audio format - MP3. It does not change MP3 files’ size and tonal quality. This benefits everyone who wants to create, deliver or publish music content. DRM-X offers the powerful content protection that ensures content owners make high-quality content and distribute it anywhere.
DRM-X platform is based-on Haihaisoft’s own DRM engine. It supports almost all of the most popular digital media formats, such as Windows Media (WMA, WMV, and ASF), Real Media (RM, RMVB), Flash Video (FLV), AVI, MP4, MP3, media and PDF document.
Content providers can easily manage the encrypted files’ rights in the DRM-X account and securely deliver protected content. They can easily manage all business models, license rights, permissions, users and customized configuration in DRM-X account. They can set Rights Price, Play Count, Begin Date, Expiration Date, Expiration After First Use, and special features -- Program in Blacklist, Dynamic Watermark function and authentication combined with hardware.
Moreover, Haihaisoft Universal Player has updated to version, Haihaisoft provides a series of DRM related services to add additional value for customers, including add customers' logo and customize Haihaisoft Universal Player.
Learn more about Haihaisoft: International | Spanish | Chinese
Learn more about Haihaisoft DRM-X: International | Spanish | Chinese
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